i will actually not be putting this up on my blog because i'm insecure about self portraits.
instead, i'll put up a section of a self portrait i made of myself in 11th grade. it was done in acrylic. perhaps in another 2-3 years i'll put up the self portrait i'm drawing right now.

so gansta.
u should feel good about urself portrait.
u did it like last minute and still got in top 10 mang!
it makes me want to see it even more. i wanna see it someday
Hahaha nice nice. It looks good so far. :D
pretty cool...
it actually kinda looks like one of takehiko inoue's paintings(the guy who does vagabond)... must be the eye, haha.
i wanna see seseeee
showwwwwwwww itt
tis you indeed~ even the gold chain is there. I think the glance you're giving in the pic captures you the most.
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